One Piece 848 Scans - Big Mom in a state of madness

Get the one piece 848 spoilers of the manga here. The one piece manga 848 scans version were out on Thursday.
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And what we have with Luffy. It s really hard to say did he really mean to die/abandon his dream if Sanji never returns.

What about others? If he quits he ll betray everyone else and may cause many of them to die (such with high bounty who can't fight for themselves, such as Usopp and Nami - will they be able to survive in NW? Who will protect Nami on WCI if Luffy dies from starvation?).
Another thing to consider: he was trying his best to convince Sanji, so a bit of exaggeration may be expected. And as for promises, well, he already broke one.

I'm looking forward to what Oda is going to pull out of this situation.

If Luffy will not be shown to be ready to sacrifice someone he holds dear for the sake of his dream somewhere down the road I'll be disappointed. It doesn't have to be Sanji tho.
one piece manga 848

So where are the people who were downgrading he is dumb and has no plans?

I knew Luffy would not manage to stay at where he was when he faced Sanji...that is actually good because now Luffy and Sanji will confront each other soon and then shit is going to happen.

Big Mom hates Giants huh...What irony where she herself seems to be so huge lol.

Luffy proved again that he does not really plan to defeat BIg Mom NOW. He says he will take Sanji and does not say that he will defeat BIg Mom and leave.

Let's say this too, If Big Mom is honorable on her agreement with Sanji, then Luffy will break that agreement. His mind is set on being Pirate King with his crew and he's not going to leave Whole Cake island with him. I can see that scenario happening and causing a major problem with Big Mom.

Brook and Pedro are planning something huge that will definitely put Big Mom in a state of madness.

Commander Smoothie's bounty must say a lot about her DF abilities, I'm wondering, who will fight her in the upcoming chapters. And what did she actually do to that woman?. Looks like she rung her out like a wet rag and drank her body fluids or something. gross.