WATCH: My Dad Story

Finally somebody gave appreciation about us!! thank you for making a video that shows the hardships and sacrifice a father must go through in his daily life. i'm sick and tired of people glorifying mothers through videos non-stop like they're the only good thing in life with all their cooking and crying for love and bedtime stories.
my dad story inspirational

This is the most incredibly powerful commercial I've ever seen. It's three and a half minutes long, but it's worth the watch. It illustrates how our children cannot only pickup on when we're lying, but see the hard work and sacrifices we make for them. To all the fathers (and parents in general) who are making sacrifices everyday to give their children a better life, I salute you, and take my hat off to you for such courage.
Watch the Video below:

I know this is a perfect example of why you don't have babies until you're in a place financially that makes sense. Otherwise you're putting children into a world of struggle and regardless of how good you are to them they know and feel that struggle which most definitely effects how they grow up. Not having kids altogether is also something that needs to stop being looked at as a failure. There are plenty of things in this world that puts value into your life and the lives around you that you effect.

We have 7 billion people in the world and having that slow is not a bad thing especially when the people being brought up are done so in a way that doesn't line them up for failure or feeling of such. I say this as a person who comes from a struggling family that brought things into my life that should never have been exposed to me, luckily I was a rare case that made it out, but most are not and the cycle typically continues.

Parenting is NOT a joke and if a parent is not willing to make sacrifices for the children then I'm afraid I have to rashly arrive at the harsh conclusion that such parents are unfit.Duty,responsibility,love,attention,care and guidance begin when the child enters the world and this continues till the child is an adult. This brought tears to my eyes and yes, poverty can really be disadvantageous but a STRONG WILL can help overcome many hurdles!!